Comet – Universal Tracking Code

Capture All Your Required Analytics With 1 Code

14 Days free trial
*No credit card required!
14 third party scripts in average on website adding ever lasting delay to download and execute.

14+ 3rd party scripts

Web Pages include on average 14 third party scripts

0.5s = 7% revenue loss

Each 0.5 seconds page load time reduces revenue by 7%

Speed up your site - break the Doherty threshold

We speed up your site by replacing your analytics, ads and behavior scripts with our single beacon technology code. Replace your third party JavaScript code with our single beacon technology and instantly experience page load reduction.

Without Element54 tracking solution.

Third-party scripts are the leading cause of slow websites and poor experience. Google made these metrics a core signal for their rankings since 2021.

With Element54 Universal Tracking Solution - Comet

Element 54 collects your analytics and sends them to all your partners (facebook, Google Ads, Bing, 100+ integrations)

One code, hundreds of integrations

40% ad blocker visitors

Get insights from visitors using Adblock technology and discover new cohorts of clients.

Millions of data points lost each day

Recapture revenue loss due to Adblock technology,

Unlock insights about all your visitors

E54 recovers revenue and insights from visitors using Adblock technology. We collect and share the data points necessary for your ads platform, behavior solution or analytics software.

Without Element54 universal tracking code

More and more web visitors are using ad blocking solutions depriving your third party partners from important information.

Element54 comet universal tracking solution

Element 54 technology is able to pierce through most ad blocker these days.

Speed up your site, Enforce GDPR compliance & Boost your revenue in minutes with our cutting-edge technology

14 Days free trial
*No credit card required!
* Sources of raw data