Join our ClickFraud AI beta program

We are looking for early adopters willing to test our new AI clickfraud model.

All bots are not bad, our latest AI model aims to let good bots through while stopping all fraudulent activities with a false-positive rate under 1%.

We look for growing companies with the following attributes:
- E-commerce store, Media sites, B2B events
- Growing business with 200K page views per month minimum
- $40K to $600K monthly digital budget

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Our new click fraud AI model in numbers

Under 1% of false-positives

15% increase in click fraud detection over conventional expert systems

Upcoming connections to LinkedIn Ads, Reddit and Bing

25% of budget saved

Our initial results with clients during the alpha phase indicate between 17% and 42% of budget savings, drastically lowering their CPC.

Save time

Minutes between sign-up and complete deployment.

Marketing efficiency on autopilot, no need of interventions from your marcom team.