Most top 1000 US websites are not GDPR compliant

A study's findings suggest that 62% of the top 1000 US websites are NOT GDPR compliant, and that the compliance rate is even lower for smaller websites. This is likely due to a lack of understanding of the GDPR requirements, as well as the challenges of implementing and maintaining compliance along with third party solutions used to power analytics, behavioral, remarketing…

Best practices

Here are some tips for businesses to improve their GDPR compliance:

  • Get clear consent from users before collecting any personal data. This means providing users with clear and concise information about how their data will be collected, used, and shared. Users must also be given the option to opt-out of data collection.
  • Be transparent about how you collect and use data. This includes providing users with information about the types of data you collect, how you use it, and with whom you share it. You should also provide users with the ability to access and correct their data.
  • Implement data protection by design and by default. This means taking steps to protect data from the moment it is collected. This includes using strong security measures, such as encryption and access controls.
  • Have a plan in place to respond to data breaches. This includes having a process for notifying users of a breach, as well as a plan for mitigating the damage caused by the breach.

E54 will handle your consent management as well as manage your third party solution to make sure you remain GDPR compliant.


The GDPR is a complex regulation, and compliance can be challenging. However, by following a GDPR checklist and implementing an E54 to handle your GDPR cookie and third party script, businesses can help to protect the privacy of their users and avoid the penalties that can be imposed for non-compliance.

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