Ad-blocker usage is on the rise worldwide, especially among younger web visitors aged 20 to 35

State of Ad-blocker in the world

Ad-blocker usage is on the rise worldwide, and this trend is having a significant impact on publishers and advertisers. According to a survey by GlobalWebIndex, nearly 50% of internet users aged 16 to 24 use ad-blockers, while over 40% of those aged 25 to 34 use them.

There are a number of reasons why people use ad-blockers. Some people use them to improve their browsing experience. Ads can be annoying and distracting, and they can slow down the loading of websites. Other people use ad-blockers to protect their privacy. Ads can track users across the web, and they can collect data about users' browsing habits.

The rise of ad-blockers has a number of implications for publishers and advertisers.

  • Revenue loss: Publishers rely on advertising revenue to support their operations. When ad-blockers are used, publishers lose out on this revenue. This can lead to a number of problems for publishers, including reduced investment in content creation, lower quality of user experience, and even closure.
  • Data collection: Advertisers use data collected from users to target their ads more effectively. When ad-blockers are used, advertisers have less data to work with, which can make it more difficult for them to target their ads effectively. This can lead to lower click-through rates and conversion rates, which can hurt advertisers' bottom lines.
  • User experience: When ad-blockers are used, websites can appear cluttered and unfinished. This can make it less enjoyable for users to visit these websites, which can lead to lower traffic and engagement.

Direct effect of Ad-blocker on websites owner

The direct effect of ad-blockers is that they reduce the amount of data signals collected and shared with ad networks and other third parties. Ad-blockers block tracking scripts and pixels, making it more difficult for advertisers to collect accurate data about users' online behavior and interests. This can limit the ability of advertisers to deliver personalized and relevant ads, which can reduce their effectiveness and therefore increase the CPC.  According to a report by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), publishers can lose up to 30% of their revenue due to ad-blockers.

In addition, ad-blocker might have other undesirable effects:

  • Circumventing of GDPR consent management solution - Adblockers can sometimes block third party consent management solutions like Cookyeyes.
  • Break site functionality - Adblockers can break sites that can depend on scripts for the user experience and site functionality. A study by Oriel found cases where adblockers disrupted critical content such as airline check-ins, cookie policies and order-tracking pages.
  • Block Website Tracking - Ad blockers can break Google Analytics and other analytics solutions ability to provide accurate website traffic data.

E54 allows website publishers to collect most of these lost visitors by getting the signals blocked by Ad-blocker and push them to your third party advertising network, analytics partner and remarketing platform. Some of our clients unlock up to 27% of the visitors which were originally invisible to their marketing solutions due to ad-blocker and thus find cohorts and niches that allows them to increase their clients understanding and reduce their CPC.

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